Participation & Publishing Taxes
1. each conference participants will pay a fee of 200 lei/40 euros, which include the conference’s materials and meals for the first day of the conference.
2.The publication fee in the Conference"s Volume, this year, is 250 euro for each article, payable in the account.
These sums represent the publication fees and don’t include the conference’s fee.
All participants to the conference can send and publish only one paper as first author.
Payment date:
1. before 20.08.2021 if you prefer to pay through bank transfer
2. the fees could be paid during registration to the Conference Secretary
Bank account details :
CIF: 26148516
EURO : RO64RNCB066111282580004 - for foreigners authors - payments in euro
LEI : RO48RNCB0661112825850001 - for Romanian authors - plăți în lei (plăți de pe teritoriul României).