The Department of Cadastre, part of the Faculty of Construction, Cadastre and Architecture, is the only structure within the University of Oradea that addresses topics related to terrestrial measurements, remote sensing, geographic information systems, real estate management and GNSS systems.
The activity in the Cadastre Department focuses on two directions:
  • Teaching and training. Continuous improvement of the study program and curricula, in accordance with the evolution of specialized technology in the field.
  • Research and development. The department carries on research projects and technical expertise in cooperation with business entities and research and development units. 
Educational objectives:
  • Quality student-centered education: our students and graduates can apply the assimilated knowledge to develop tools and find solutions for infrastructure development, sustainable use of natural resources, early warning and monitoring in case of disasters.
  • Increasing the employment rate of graduates in areas of specialization. Our engineering graduates are employed in state institutions (Cadastre Offices, Local Councils, Design Institutes, etc.) and private (commercial companies) providing cadastre  and related activities (construction, urbanism, local administration) or as Individual companies (PFA).
  • Curricula adapted to the open education system: students have the opportunity to participate, through the ERASMUS program, in courses held at universities abroad based on transferable credits recognition.
Educational offer:
  • Bachelor's degree 4 years (8 semesters) Study program Land Measurements and Cadastre (MTC)
Diploma awarded: Engineer
Form of education: full-time education
Team Department of Cadastre
  • The teaching staff consists of academically qualified persons, involved in state-of-the-art professional and research activities in the field of land and construction measurement, land register, cadastre, mapping and geodesy. Our research activities mainly focus on cutting-edge engineering research, measurement of building and ground deformations, geodynamics, positioning and satellite navigation.
Material base:
  • The University of Oradea, respectively the faculty provides the material basis necessary for quality education, educational spaces, equipped laboratories, teachers with adequate didactic training and has state-of-the-art technology to meet the current and future requirements of the industry.