Registrar’s Office

The Registrar’s Office manages all enrollment-related issues. We use the term students in its broadest sense, to include BA students, MA students, PhD students as well as other graduate course students.

Students’ service:

ec. Anca TĂTAR

Eng. Krisztina BORDEI

Industrial and Agricultural Civil Engineering (CCIA)

Water Supply and Sewerage Systems Construction (CSAAC)

Smart and Sustainable Construction (CIS).

Architecture (Arh.)

Land Measurements and Cadastre (MTC)

Geoinformatics Systems in Cadastre and Urbanism (SGCU)

The members of the Registrar’s Office are accountable for official school documents, such as: enrollment registers, marking sheets, grade log books, students record cards, as well as all the other documents referring to the students’ situation, such as transcripts of records, diploma supplements, notification, etc. The Registrar’s Office also participates in the process of granting scholarships, reclassifies students benefiting from subsidized places, keeps records of payments covering tuition fees and any other administrative fees.


Phone: +40 259 422 421

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